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Hypnosis Doesn't Work Like That!/Un-Potty-Train Me

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An e-book mentioned in chapter 32 of Hypnosis Doesn't Work Like That!. It is read by Britney in that story, and recommended to Adi on the grounds that it is a realistic description of a character facing the same problems Adi is currently dealing with. It is available on the same (unnamed) site where Adi had previously found and reviewed a number of hypnosis files.

The book follows on from a trilogy about a girl who is tormented by an evil hypnotist (Hypnotized+, Altered+, and Humiliated+). It could be seen as a direct sequel to Humiliated+, inspired by the much higher popularity of that book. However, some readers believe that it is a fan-rewrite of the third book, given that it includes several of the same scenes. The book claims to be by Metamorpheus; however there is no official confirmation from them whether it is just someone else using the alias.

The book deals with a character who is tormented by an evil hypnotist, given a number of humiliating dares that she must complete, and even more humiliating hypnotic forfeits if she fails. Compared to Humiliated+, a much greater proportion of the dares in this one are adult baby and incontinence themed. It is also suggested that the main character initially got these suggestions from subliminal messages in a video game she plays, Golden Rain, which appears to be an expy of real-world title Heavy Rain.