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Wild Child/juve

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Juve is the name of a drug featured in Wild Child. Its main effects are of age regression, although most users only take enough to restore some of their youthful vitality.

The original brand name was Synapsidrel, and it was developed by European pharmaceutical giant Dennier-Pfalz-Furchtengöber. Synapsidrel was designed as a treatment for some kinds of dementia, but turned out to have an effect on many other afflictions of elderly patients. As these reactions were entirely unexpected, DPF withdrew the drug from testing; not willing to give patients something before they could at least understand it. However, the recipe was leaked online and hundreds of back room labs sprang up, manufacturing the drug without any license or quality control, to sell it on the streets.

The name used in most of the news media for this new drug epidemic was 'prime', and this was the name used in some of the laws banning it. However, current users are more likely to use the slang term 'juve'. Its effects are to give users more energy, cause mild euphoria, and to amplify all emotional states. The active ingredient can bind to certain fatty acids and then is able to travel around the body for longer without being removed by the kidneys. This means that it can affect more parts of the body, especially allowing it to more easily enter the brain. In this form it causes mental regression, temporary lowering of intelligence, memory loss, and suggestibility as the grey matter starts to regenerate. It also may slightly reduce visible signs of aging.

The drug is most commonly seen in the form of a blue, crystalline powder which may be described as 'turquoise sugar', which is a reasonably accurate description of its appearance. It can be ground up and inhaled, smoked (for a faster but less intense effect), or taken with food or drink (which can take up to an hour to be absorbed, but the effects can then last for 12-16 hours, and are generally less dramatic). Users generally avoid taking it with anything fatty, or allowing it to be warmed above room temperature, as both of these can make the effect last even longer, as well as increasing the likelihood of suffering side effects that include mental regression.