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A clothing and later diaper company.
[hide]History and Products
This is a quick summary of how the company developed over time.
Originally Girlzz Punk Inc, a fashion brand founded in the early 1990s, with clothes manufactured in Baikuristan. They focused on slightly-retro punk fashions for teen and tween girls, and were moderately popular. But at the turn of the century, their market was shrinking as they failed to keep up with changing fashions. Most of their ranges were reduced, and the company was mostly sustained by their sales of fashion underwear; which had earned a reputation for being exceptionally comfortable.
At this time, they also experimented with new synthetic fibres for making clothes; and developed one which was highly stain-resistant; allowing clothes to be washed at lower temperatures and for shorter times. This gave them a boost in finances; but by the year 2000, the only branch turning a profit was the underwear business again. Girlzz had to search for a new market to dominate.
Girlzz Protec
Around 2001, almost every major diaper manufacturer had a range designed for nighttime protection for kids who have problems with bedwetting. These were almost always advertised as looking like regular underwear; a goal which, in the eyes of the Girlzz research execs, they all failed. They decided that there could be a market for a similar product from a company which actually manufactured (and was known for) underwear with a rebellious motif.
Girlzz Protec was the first protective underwear manufactured by Girlzz Punk Ltd, and was moderately successful until it saw major competition from SleepSafe's new Allnights range (claimed to be the most absorbent discreet protection ever) in 2006.
Girlzz Stylez and Bodyware
At this point, the company divided. Despite making only clothing for girls, a survey revealed a surprisingly large demographic of boys wearing their products. One executive, after much research on social media, determined that the androgynous look of many of their outfits could be a selling point for boys who wanted to look more feminine without shouting it from the rooftops. A new company was spun off, Girlzz Bodyware Ltd, to replace the old "punk" brands. They sold clothes under both the "Girlzz Stylez" and "Bodyware" brands, marketed to teen girls and boys respectively. However, most of the designs across these two ranges were the same. The biggest sellers for Girlzz Stylez were masculine-looking outerwear styled for a developing feminine physique; and vice versa. This allowed trans boys who weren't out to their family yet to buy masculine-looking outfits from the acceptably-named "Girlzz" brand with the understanding that they would find something to fit their body type. Both brands also sold the same designs of androgynous clothing.
Girlzz Classic
After the spinoff of Girlzz Bodyware, the remaining company rebranded as Girlzz Briefs Inc, and focused on designing underwear. Nearly two thirds of their market at this point was in absorbent underwear; the Girlzz Protec and new Girlzz Classic ranges.
Classics were a revival of some of the company's older styles, but now thinner, and more absorbent.
Girlzz Superior
Released just a few months after Classics, these were supposed to be the most "scientifically advanced" nighttime protection. They inherited some of the Protec designs (which were discontinued at the same time), but were made with even more absorbency and also the latest gimmick: the addition of lysentripase crystals, developed by the same team of chemists that had been responsible for the easy-clean clothes. These were supposed to have anti-irritant and antibacterial properties, preventing diaper rash. But within a few months, the company found that they could also have a diuretic and numbing effect in girls during puberty. After discovering that their diapers could actually make it harder for girls to stop wetting the bed, the executives debated for several months before deciding not to remove or replace the chemicals – instead they increased the dose, hoping to keep kids using their products for longer.
This came to a head when they were sued by the California Mothers Support Group, a collective of mothers who had discovered the problem and launched a class action against the company. After this, the 'Superior' range had the lysentripase concentration lowered, and had a warning label added saying they weren't suitable for teens after the start of puberty. Some months later, the Girlzz Classic line were promoted as having a "safe new synthetic lysentripase", which didn't share the side effects of the original. This was quickly accepted into the public consciousness, with people believing that synthetic lysentripase doesn't have side effects. To people who know better, there's a lot of information available about the different side effects of original synthetic lysentripase (LVX; found in Girlzz Superior) and new synthetic lysentripase (STX; found in Girlzz Classic).
Big Girlzz
Following the lysentripase debacle hitting the press, the company had to withdraw the product until it could be reformulated or warnings added to the packaging. However, they had already entered into long-term advertising contracts, and management felt that it would be possible to minimise losses by releasing an alternative product to fill their shelf space. They resurrected a concept which had been in development before the discovery of lysentripase caused a change in direction. These are sleep diapers created by actual fashion designers, mimicking the most iconic styles of clothing or swimwear in teen culture. Some of the designs were striking enough that girls seeing the ads were curious before realising the products were diapers; leading to regular-underwear versions of the same designs being released. In later years, the company continued to commission a new style from one famous fashion designer each month, to be released in both absorbent and polycotton variants (described as "regular" and "reusable" on the packaging; in an attempt to normalise them)
Girlzz Again
A new range, marketed to the ABDL crowd as the lifestyle starts to be more known to the public. They are technically produced by a new company, Girlzz External Holdings Inc., which was created to make a legal distinction between the ABDL products and those intended for children.
These ones have adverts (including character Narek as a model) where they actively promote the idea that you can put a college-age "baby" in them to get her back to babyhood. They contain stronger lysentripases; and actually advertise them as reducing bladder control while worn. But the tongue-in-cheek style of the ads means that most people will think this is a kind of fantasy scenario, rather than a real feature. Like the deodorant ads that show a guy spraying deodorant and suddenly being mobbed by sex-mad models. It's not "real", and makes it easier to discredit anyone who starts to suspect the ways their child-targeted ranges might be used.
- Pauli Doa - A middle-manager who was pushed into infiltrating the California Mothers Support Group to find out what they knew about lysentripase safety.
- Condescillia Angelina Von Falkenstein - Shareholder and director, who managed to buy a controlling interest in the company when prices were depressed by the CMSG lawsuit
- Piytr Winx - One of the corporate lawyers during the CMSG case; enticed to try the ABDL lifestyle by Cody