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Big Little Bus/Edmund

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Edmund is a teddy bear who lives on the Big Little Bus. Emily's first experience on entering the bus is when Juliet throws the bear at her.

He is said to have the power of speech, but can only be heard by littles. Some of the regular passengers tell this story to just about every newcomer, and the others often join in with the belief.


"He had soft brown-grey fur, that you might describe as sandy, or maybe as butter-coloured depending on the quality of your local dairy industry. His eyes were buttons, half buried by the fur coming right up to their edges, and his mouth was a thick line of stitches. The only areas of colour were his paw pads, little circles of something that looked like tie-dyed silk in all the colours of the rainbow, and the insides of his ears, which were little scraps of pastel pink and blue gingham that reminded me of the first school uniform I ever had." - Chapter 3

This page previously described him as a giraffe. I may have confused two different toys, in which case one of them needs fixing.


The bear has millions of different names. He'll tell a different name to every person he meets, and most of the littles on the bus quickly get used to each person on the bus referring to the same toy by a different name. The parents and caretakers usually (but not always) use the name picked by their littles.

Known names include:

  • Edmund (Emily - after her uncle)
  • Barneybear (boy, chapter 4. Unsure if this boy shows up later on)
  • Tony / Mr Beary (Lindy - chapter 40)
  • Elliot (Juliet Brave - chapter 7)