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My Sister's Problem

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Front cover image by Jailor Eckman

My Sister's Problem is a story idea, originally posted in the Plot Babies book. Angel is planning to write it for Camp NaNoWriMo 2022.


  • Sally Bernstein - A girl who is heavily into sports, and wants to impress her friends. At the start of the story she hears about a babysitter treating kids her age (probably mid teens) like babies; and rather than being horrified she realises that is something she would like to experience.
  • Linda Bernstein (Lindy) - Sally's little sister, who has just started wetting the bed again after a couple of years staying dry. She is more into arty hobbies, but loves hiking and exploring the wilderness. She is extremely embarrassed by her problem, so starts putting Sally's hand in a bowl of water while she sleeps.
  • Willow Bernstein - Sally and Lindy's mother, who is now single after their father died when they were young.
  • Harper Eisen - Neighbour and friend, between the ages of the two Bernstein girls. Lives next door
  • Hugo Eisen - Harper's big brother, athletic and confident. Wants to be a basketball pro

Miscellaneous detail

Chapter 1. Dreams

  • Sally hasn't wet the bed in ten years
    • Except for one time at a sleepover, when friend Harper Eisen might have put her hand in a bowl of water
  • Sally and Lindy used to share a room, but Dad built a partition wall out of fibreboard a few years ago. There's an archway with a curtain across it to ensure they can both get to the en suite bathroom.
  • Sally watches Sparkling Thunder Presence: Redux on Netflix, and doesn't want to delay it because Nadine is prone to spilling spoilers at school