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Oswyn Bridger

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The main character in [[../]], Oswyn has spent quite some time building a home automation system, and making it possible for the computer to hypnotise and regress her.

The system activates unexpectedly, casting burglar [[../Alex]] in the role of "Daddy", and Oswyn finds herself unable to resist it for long enough to call the police. She stays as a baby for the remainder of the evening, while Alex does her best to look after her. when she signs her name, the tail of the 'y' turns into a little heart that is cute, and could have been really stylish if it was written by a six year old.


Oswyn's home in [[../Abraham's Wood/]] is a split-level house which she used to share with her ex. She's almost the only person on her street who doesn't have children at home. The house is decorated in a fashionable style from five or six years before, everything done professionally, and is usually pretty clean. She has a complete set of games consoles under a giant TV in the lounge. There is a computer in every room, and most of the ground floor has polished hardwood floors. There are bookcases around the house, especially a large number in the lounge, but they are all filled with books rather than music or video. She has an impressive collection of O'Reilly books for reference, one on almost every shelf in the house. They have a lot of other electronics, which could be hifi or home theatre gear among other things, but it's all obscure brands that most people won't have heard of, niche items that won't be any use to most people, and items that have been heavily modified from their original purpose.

On the front of the kitchen fridge is a note, saying that it might be important if Oswyn is incapaciitated, or if police or anyone is called to the house unexpectedly. The note lists a couple of minor medical conditions, as well as things like birth marks that a paramedic might be worried by but had already been checked out. It mentions her partner as well, although his name is crossed out to the point of complete illegibility. The note mentions fantasies for hypnotic regression, as well as the coffee machine which has been modified to dispense some suggestibility-enhancing drugs. It describes which drawer to find the hazard sheets for the drugs in as well.